Frakishtak    Dog Wheelchairs, rehabilitation equipment, accessories and other goods for special needs pets

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Classic wheelchair are indicated for pet hindlimbs support.

Dog Wheelchair

Indicated for pets with mobility issues (hindlimb paresis/paralysis, bone fracture, or amputation due to illness or trauma etc.). 

Dog wheelchairs

Dog wheelchair Pets wheelchairs Коляска для парализованной собаки

Additional wheels to 'Classic' wheelchair

Quad Wheel Cart for dog Quad Wheels for Cart & dog

Additional wheels to 'Classic' wheelchair designed for pets with solely forelimb disabilities and a partial support of the front part.
Additional wheels used if the animal weaknessesforelimbs, impaired balance and coordination, ifnecessary reduce the burden thoracic spine andforelimbs.

Quad Wheels Cart Коляска для парализованной собаки Quad Wheels dog

How to order?

1. Download Order Form
2. Take measurements
3. Send us the Order Form
4. Payment

Download Order Form (38.0 KB)

Size Description Price


Polyurethane wheel bearings - D60-100, Depending on the sized dog.
Weight of cart + / - 0.6 kg
(Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, etc.)


Polyurethane wheel bearings - D90-145, depending on the sized dog. 
Weight of cart + / - 1.0 kg 
(Cats, Toy Terrier and other breeds of dogs dwarf)


Polyurethane wheel bearings - D125-145 or pneumatic D7'', D10''. 
Weight of cart + / - 2.0 kg 
(Dachshund, Pug, French buddog, miniature poodles and other small breeds and big Cats)


Pneumatic wheel bearings - D10'', D12 ", D14'', D16". W
eight of cart + / - 3.0 kg  
(Cpaniel, Fox terrier, poodle and other breeds of medium breeds)


Pneumatic wheel bearings - D10'', D12 ", D14'', D16". W
eight of cart + / - 4.0 kg  
(Medium breeds)
, 20kg and up


Pneumatic wheel bearings -  D14'', D16", D20". 
Weight of cart + / - 5.0 kg  
(German Shepherd, Doberman, Rottweiler and other large breeds)


  Pneumatic wheel bearings - D14''. D16'', D20''.
Weight of cart +/- 8,0 кг 
(Mastiff, Saint Bernard Dog and other giant breeds)



Frakishtak - Инвалидные коляски (тележки) для собак и др. животных-инвалидов



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+380 99 222 5754
  +380 93 080 8830


V.Lipkovskogo str, 43

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