Frakishtak    Dog Wheelchairs, rehabilitation equipment, accessories and other goods for special needs pets


Measurement Chart

All measurements have to shoot the pet in a standing position. Use a metal tape and a soft tape.
Ask a friend or family member to help you take your measurements.
One person should support the pet under the belly of a towel, if it was a problem with the rear legs or under the chest if the problem is with the front legs, and hold it in the right position all the time while the other takes measures.
Please do not make allowances!

Submit the completed Order Form to email.

Download Order Form (38.0 KB)

Please look at photo

1. Height from floor to top point of shoulder blade 2.  Length from behind front leg to the base of tail 3. Length from behind front leg to front of thigh

4. Circumference of upper thigh

5. Height from floor to groin

6. Height from floor  to center point of thigh

7. Width at the shoulders*

8. Width at the ribs*

9. Width at the rump*

10. Circumference around chest (behind front legs)

11. Circumference around abdomen (in front of rear legs)

12.  Width of chest

*For measurement width (#7,8,9) Draw an angle of 90o on cardboard and cut it out.


 If you have questions please contact us

Frakishtak - Инвалидные коляски (тележки) для собак и др. животных-инвалидов



Viber +380 98 684 3682

+380 99 222 5754
  +380 93 080 8830


V.Lipkovskogo str, 43

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