Frakishtak    Dog Wheelchairs, rehabilitation equipment, accessories and other goods for special needs pets


Wheelchair warranty

We guarantee the quality of our products. The warranty period is 1 year.
We guarantee during the year the absence of any manufacturing defects or damage that are not associated with normal wear and tear. If, however, something broke during the warranty period, we will repair this part for free or replace it (at our discretion). All products requiring warranty repair (or replacement) must be delivered to us. All shipping costs are paid by the customer.
The warranty covers the following wheelchair components - the frame and the wheel stands. The warranty does not apply to cases of normal wear and tear of the following elements of a wheelchair: rear support, front harness, stirrups and wheels.
The warranty does not apply in the following cases:
  • damage caused by improper use of the stroller,
  • the presence of mechanical or other damage that has arisen as a result of the deliberate or careless actions of the Customer or third parties,
  • product disassembly, design changes and other interventions,malfunctions and damage caused by extreme conditions and force majeure (fire, natural disasters, etc.),
  • careless storage and / or careless transportation by the Customer or third parties,
  • accidental damage caused by the Customer or third parties, or damage caused by neglect or use (exposure to liquid, chemicals and chemicals, dust, foreign objects inside the wheelchair, etc.)
This warranty does not apply to other Frakishtak products.

Return Policy

Please ensure that:
  • the product was not in use and has no traces of use;
  • the product is fully equipped.

Wheelchairs and products custom order are according to the measurements provided by you and especially for your pet, i.e. the product is manufactured according to the specifications provided to us by the Customer. We are not responsible for the inaccuracy of the measurements provided to us. We reserve the right to partially deduct the cost of materials and production of the product.

If for some reason the product did not fit your pet and if we cannot eliminate it, you can return it within 14 days from the date of delivery. We refund 50% of the order value. All shipping costs are paid by the customer. In the event that the Customer refuses his order before sending it, we retain 50% of the order value.

For the return of other goods, except for wheelchairs, we retain 2% of the cost if the goods need to be cleaned from wool and repacking.

Refunds are made only if:

  • product in good condition
  • the operating conditions were not violated,
  • preserved presentation and consumer properties,
  • all the accessories, documentation and tools included in the product
  • package have been saved,
  • packaging preserved.

Frakishtak - Инвалидные коляски (тележки) для собак и др. животных-инвалидов



Viber +380 98 684 3682

+380 99 222 5754
  +380 93 080 8830


V.Lipkovskogo str, 43

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