Frakishtak    Dog Wheelchairs, rehabilitation equipment, accessories and other goods for special needs pets

Catalogue. Wheelchair for dog and other pets



Коляска для собак Dog Wheelchairs 
Designed for pets  with  forelimb and/or hindlimb paralysis, paresis, movement disorders and other disabilities. Can be used for post-surgery rehabilitation. More
Протез для собаки
Prostheses and brace pet ORTHOVET-MEDICAL 
  Поддержка Lifting harnesses  
A handheld support system for pets weak in the rear or front due to partial or full forelimbs paralysis. More

Dog carrier bag
Can be used for transportation your pet, or as a total body support harness. More

Orthopedic supports

  Корсет для собаки Spinal brace 
Provides firm back support and stability for pets with spinal injuries and abnormalities. More
  Бандаж для запястья Wrist Wrap 
Provides moderate wrist support. More
Бандаж для локтевого сустава Elbow wrap  
Provides moderate support for elbow joint.  More
Ортопедическая обувь для собак
Toe up slings 
are designed for heel joint stabilization. More
  Налокотники для собак (защита для локтей) Elbow sleeves 
are designed for elbow protection. More

Нygiene products

  Ползунки Drag bag 
are designed for pets with hindlimb paralysis to use in the home. More
  Многоразовая впитывающая пеленка для животных-инвалидов (собак , кошек - инвалидов) Reusable washable underpads 
is a great money-saving and smart solution. More
  Трусы для кобелей Dog panties for males 
Indicated for dogs males with mild and moderate to severe incontinence. It also can be used for healthy mature hard-to-train dogs with urine marking behavior. More
  Трусы для собак Pet panties
Suitable for male and female pets with incontinence or for females in season flow. Can be used with hygienic or urological pads and for diaper fixation. More

Clothing & Boots

  Обувь для собак Dog Boots 
protect pet paws. More
  Носки для животных Socks pet
Охлаждающая одежда "Зоо-комфорт"   Cooling clothing and mats «ZОО-КОМFОRT»
The product cools pet`s vital parts and blood, prevents the whole body from overheating, heat- and sunstrokes. More
Frakishtak - Инвалидные коляски (тележки) для собак и др. животных-инвалидов



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